Phineas and ferb theme bass
Phineas and ferb theme bass

phineas and ferb theme bass phineas and ferb theme bass

" It's Your Anniversary Jingle" | " Fabulous" | " Ain't Got Rhythm" " When We Didn't Get Along" | " My Nemesis" | " Fossils" | " History of Rock" " Bigfoot" | " Truck Drivin' Girl" | " Eggs and Bacon" | " I Love You Mom" | " Hemoglobin Highway" " Ready for the Bettys" | " Busted" | " Shimmy Jimmy" | " Ferb Tango" | " Quirky Worky Song" | " Brick" B.O.Y.S." | " My Undead Mummy" | " Betty Jam" | " Phineas and Ferb" " She's Candace" | " Phinedroids and Ferbots" | " Forever Summer" | " On the Trail" | " In the Mall" " I'm Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun" | " Go, Go, Phineas" | " He's a Bully" | " It's Going So Badly" " Perry the Platypus" | " Audition Medley" | " Gitchee Gitchee Goo" | " Evil Jingle" " Phineas and Ferb Theme" | " If Summer Only Lasted One Day" | " Backyard Beach" | " Our Song" Phineas and Ferb-ulous: The Ultimate Album " Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" " Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown".When Candace sings "You're the one who stays calm" the sky is much paler than usual.When the camera cuts to Phineas, Ferb and Candace during the line "Thanks for all the care and love you give, not to mention the meals", Ferb's right arm is missing.When Phineas says "This song" in the video, part of his neck turns orange like his shirt stripes for a single frame.Isabella sings in the song but at the end when everyone claps she is seen beside her mom.Olivia Olson performed the demo version and sang it live at Dan Povenmire's 50th birthday bash.In the " Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown", I Love You Mom was the 7th favorite song chosen by Phineas and Ferb fans. This song is included in the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack.In the album version, it cannot be heard. Ashley Tisdale's voice was double-tracked so that it would sound like Candace was singing with her video image.Gretchen is the only Fireside Girl who doesn't sing backup with Isabella and the others.This song was originally called "Mom It's Your Birthday".View the image gallery for I Love You Mom. Phineas and Ferb: (Shoo-bee-doo, shoo-bee-doo) Thanks for all the care and love you give,

Phineas and ferb theme bass